
Radiam helps researchers keep track of their data, regardless of where it is stored. There are multiple components working together, and most of them run within Docker containers.

Prerequisite: Docker

  1. Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/install/#supported-platforms
  2. Install Docker-Compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
  3. Follow instructions on setting up host production environment for Elasticsearch: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docker.html

On linux, it is useful to add your user to the docker group. For example to add the ubuntu user to the docker group on Ubuntu:

sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu

Development Deployment

Check out the code locally, and change directory to the top level of the repo.

First-time build:

# Build and deploy project
docker-compose up -d --build

You may get an error about timeout, that’s normal for the first build. Bring the Docker containers down then up again:

# Try again
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d --build

And then run the up command again. You need to get to the point where the first up command with –build completes successfully. After that, you can create the administrative user:

## Create admin user manually
docker exec -it radiamapi /bin/bash
python manage.py createsuperuser


If you want to remove the application, including ALL DATA, you can use the nuclear option (delete database and elasticsearch index and all containers and images):

docker-compose down -v --rmi all --remove-orphans

Deleting Data

If you want to delete the elasticsearch index or the postgres database data:

docker-compose down

# Delete elasticsearch indices
docker volume rm api_elasticsearch_data_vol

# Delete postgres database
docker volume rm api_postgres_data_vol


If running docker-compose logs elasticsearch shows:

max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

Run sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 to fix it on Ubuntu Linux (other distributions may have a different command).

API Documentation

API documentation exists at the /api/docs endpoint of your running instance (ie: http://localhost:8100/api/docs/ )

The OpenAPI spec can be found here: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/usask-rc5/Radiam/1.3.20

Docker tips

docker-compose logs in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file will tail the logs from all running services.

docker logs [-f] *container id* will show the logs from one container.

docker ps shows all running containers.

docker images shows all locally stored images.

docker exec -it *container id* *command* Runs a command within a container. If command is /bin/bash you can get a shell running on the container.

Enable Browsable API

To use the browsable api add:


To the radiamapi block in the docker-compose file.

To browse the API, point your browser at http://localhost:8100/api and login with the admin credentials.

Running Tests

You can run all the tests for the API and GUI with this command:

docker exec radiamapi python manage.py test

A temporary database will be created and all tests will be run, then the temporary database will be removed.

Creating fixtures for tests

Get the application in the state that you want the test data to be in using the Admin UI or API then run:

docker exec radiamapi python manage.py dumpdata api.dataset api.groupmember api.groupviewgrant api.location api.project api.researchgroup api.user api.useragent > ./api/radiam/api/fixtures/sort.json

Where the list is the list of models you want to dump into the fixture.

Production Deployment

The instructions and code for using Ansible to deploy Radiam via docker stack are in this repository:


Radiam Agent

The Radiam agent is needed to crawl research data and submit metadata to the Radiam service. Please see these repositories:

  • Precompiled binaries: https://github.com/usask-rc/radiam-agent-releases
  • Source code: https://github.com/usask-rc/radiam-agent


Project Team:

  • Adam McKenzie
  • Alex Garnett
  • Jason Hlady
  • Jin Zhang
  • Joel Farthing
  • Jonathan Loewen
  • Justin Pointer
  • Lee Wilson
  • Mike Winter
  • Rama Periasamy
  • Todd Trann
  • Yang Zhou

This project was funded by CANARIE, and also received computing and storage in kind from Compute Canada.

Default project avatars are courtesy https://www.swifticons.com

Copyright 2019-2020 University of Saskatchewan and Simon Fraser University